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Thanksgiving with Ani & Fabi 🦃

Thanksgiving with Ani & Fabi 🦃
Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst It’s the start of a the most wonderful time of the year, and if you ask us, that includes the beginning of the bes...

Party Like You are Canadian!

Party Like You are Canadian!
Canada Day is fast approaching! As proud members of likely the nicest country in the world, we have some ideas to celebrate like a real Canadian! From indoor decorations to dinning table with Canadian food and desserts (Of course we have baking kits!), from flying a flag to going to the nature ane enjoy, we got you coverd! 

The Perfect Father’s Day

The Perfect Father’s Day
Photo by nic on Unsplash Dads are such important figures in our lives, but often go on unnoticed, so with fathers day approaching ...

All Set to Celebrate the Easter Weekend?

All Set to Celebrate the Easter Weekend?
The big spring holiday is here and it’s time to get all ready to celebrate! Besides all the colours that will go into decorating you Easter eggs, t...

Let’s Bake in Green!

Let’s Bake in Green!
Go out there and celebrate the greenest day of the year! And be sure to share with us what you bake at #aniandfabi

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