Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
St. Patrick’s day is here, and spring finally looks like its going to make landfall! So what are you gonna do to celebrate? We think the best way is always with more baking, and on this day, that means all green everything! Here are a couple ideas that we think would be an awesome way to make your St. Patrick’s day more green.
1. Green:
The perfect way to start the day is with green pancakes, say we! You can add flavours to the pancakes which will add the colour, or simply drop a few drops of green food colouring in! This one we already did ourselves and we loved it! Green Pancakes with Avocado and Banana…they’re as good as they sound!
2. Lime:
The colour of the lime is undeniable and the flavour is just the right amount of bright to get you through the day, add a bit of green colouring and you’re all set. Try adding lime to cakes and cookies, or check out our Lemon Lime Cupcakes!
3. Matcha:
Wether you’re making a drink or a dessert this will definitely make your day a whole lot greener! If baking, try adding one to two tablespoons of Matcha to get a green colour and a green tea flavour, whether you're making shortbread cookies, cupcakes, or anything else you want to bake.
Now go out there and celebrate the greenest day of the year! And be sure to share with us what you bake at #aniandfabi
Ani & Fabi